Shrines are the main interface to access the Total War clan system. If you really want to enjoy the exiting features of Total War you really should thing to get a shrine and make your clan. By placing a shrine you have the chance to create a new Clan, calling it with the name you want and setting your own personal flag. You will also have access to the clan management interface. Shrines are also available in a demo version for 14 days.
Your clan can also have more then one shrine, all the shrines placed by clan members will be automatically added to the clan's facilities, and will have all the management option same as the other shrines. But a clan who's left without any active (turned on) shrine will decay in 10 days (warning messages will be sent).
But let's see shrines in details, keep reading.


You can buy a shrine in Tokuno Wind shops, once you get one in your hands rez it and click the medal in the center to have access to the control panel. By default shrines are turned off, this means you need to turn it on to connect your shrine to the Total War network. Choose On from the control panel and the shrine will start to set up getting through different steps:

  1. Account creation: if you don't own a Tokuno Wind website account you'll have the chance to create one, if you already are a Total War TWBS user (the combact system) you are already a website member and you won't be promped about account creation. If you'ld see the prompt window appears, we kindly suggest you to create an account or you'll not be able to access clan management by our website interface, once account creation ends you're sent an instant message with account details, username is always your char's name, while password is server side created.
  2. Clan creation: If you're not a clan member you will be given the chance to create your own clan. Choosing yes from the prompt window will lead to clan creation process, choosing no will end shrine setup and will connect the shrine as "Errant Fighter" shrine. We assume you pushed that yes button and you want to create a new clan, you will see a message in your chat windows asking to digit your new clan's name. All letters, spaces and numbers are allowed, for a maximum of 50 digits, but we warn you that offending names can be deleted by Total War admins. Clan names must be unique, this means you can't choose a name already choosen by someone else. Enter your favorite clan's name into the chat window and press return. The shrine will end setup process and change iots name to your new clan's name.


By clicking your shrine, anyone will access control panel ans have the ability to reset their Tokuno Wind website password ( They will also have some more different options based on their clan membership and rank:

  • Errant Fighters: Total War players who don't belong to any clan will have the chance to join your clan by clicking your clan's shrine and choosing "Apply Clan", the clan leader will then have to approve their membership to get you inside his clan.
  • Other Clan Members: If the user accessing the shrine belongs to a different clan he'll have the ability to leave their current clan clicking the option "Leave Clan". He will then be able to join your clan closing the interface and clicking your shrine again to get access to control panel as an Errant Fighter.
  • Your Clan Members: Clan members will have the option to leave shrine's clan by choosing the option "Leave clan". They will go back to Errant Fighter status and be able to join any other clan.
  • Clan Leader: As a clan leader you'll have access to the clan's management interface, where you'll be able to manage the entire clan, its members, and structures, choosing scenarios, declare wars, form or join alliance and much more. Choose the option "Manage Clan" and accept the browser opening to access the web interface without login. You will also be able to access the web interface directly by our website, but you'll need to be logged in. The website interface allows you to manage your clan wherever you are.

Shrine owners will also always have the option to "Turn off" the shrine disconnecting it from Total War network.


One of the most interesting options added to shrines is the customized clan banner. You can open the shrine and put a texture inside to automatically update your clan's banner. You immediatly can see the shrine banner changing to the new texture, and keep's flags will follow after a few minutes. Watch out, do not put  a second texture with the same name in the shrine, it will be ignored, so to correctly update you clan's banner always change the texture name to a new name before throwing it inside the shrine.


Last Updated (Saturday, 02 January 2010 15:13)