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War drums sound has been heard, rotten flesh smell has been sniffed, many people have died, pieces of bones have been found here and there… yes, they have arrived: Orcs are here!

Do you feel brave enough to face them? Their clan is already climbing the ranking, so if you want to stop them, and get new TW Cards draw your swords and check the Warmap!

You will find Orc WarCamp in Total War Shop in Rieul, in Tokuno Wind Main Store in NAGASAKI Bakumatsu and on-line on SL Marketplace!

Last Updated (Tuesday, 21 December 2010 14:49)


It has been a whole lot of work but finally Undead War Camp is ready and out in shops.

With seven different Undead Enemies it’s the perfect tool for your roleplay game, it will give you hours and hours of fun, alone, with your friends or as a training tool.

As all other Total War spawners it can be customized by the owner through a clear menu, it has a Money giving option that transform it in a great Traffic Aid tool and is fully interfaced with www.tokunowind.com Website for rankings, cards collecting, quests, and so on.

You can find this new product in:

Total War Main Store in Rieul

Tokuno Wind Main Store in Nagasaki Bakumatsu

Or you can buy it on-line on SL Marketplace

Have fun and good hunting!

Last Updated (Tuesday, 21 December 2010 14:50)


Total War Staff is proud to announce that the full service programm is now available!

If you have a SIM or a Parcel and you want it to become fully roleplay interactive, working 24/7, get the latest products and receive a punctual assistance, Total War can now offer you to become Official TW Land and have all this.

We can give you the complete suite of Total War tools (Shrine to manage clan, a keep, Monsters Spawners...) without you need to buy every single piece, help you installing everything, place things that are not on the market, such as Town Quests (mission that needs to be carried out locally),  Quests Points (so that players from everywhere can come), deliver any new product in sneak preview,  guarantee full assistance within 24 hours, everything and much more for a reasonable montly amount.

Contact us for more infos!

It is with the biggest pleasure we announce that the first official Total War region is now ready and open for your fun.

In the wonderful realm of Anjun you will found monsters to defeat, mission to accomplish and a lot of brand new Total War feature, some of them you won’t be able to find anywhere else, not yet!

Even if you are not in a mood for fighting the place is worth a visit, with its very well built medieval atmosphere, its beautiful village, the dangerous dungeon and the massive castle (by the way, rumors have been heard about bad people who want to attack the castle, if you feel brave enough join the Anjun Clan and get ready to defend it!)


Last Updated (Sunday, 17 October 2010 00:19)


Undeads quests have joined the quest system. Now you have a chance of getting a quest simply killing a ninja or undead. Higher the enemy level, higher the quest level will be, so the rewards granted.

Have fun and good "bone killing".

Last Updated (Monday, 30 August 2010 11:09)

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